Notacon Art and Technology Conference

Held in Cleveland, OH in April of 2004, the NOTACON conference focused on the combinations of art and technology. The recordings below, created by Jim "Vitruvius" Eastman and Kris "Krnlpanik" Suter, are from the Technical track. FTS Conventures, who hosted the conference, have released the recordings under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. The talks are numbered in the order in which they were presented.

Description of the Audio
01-PaulJarc.mp3 15992832
Paul Jarc: Posterity
02-RajeevKhurana.mp3 23943168
Rajeev Khurana: ACLU & the PATRIOT Act
03-EricMeyer.mp3 18577408
Eric Meyer: XHTML
04-MichaelTetreault.mp3 23250944
Michale Tetreault: Personal Data Integrity
05-KathyWang.mp3 22226944
Kathy Wang: Morph
06-JoshLandeau.mp3 19255296
Josh Landeau: Physical Data Integrity
07-SELinuxVsOpenBSD.mp3 23584768
SE Linux vs. OpenBSD Panel Discussion
08-TimLord.mp3 20146176
Timothy Lord: Slashdot Backend
09-SethHardy.mp3 22136832
Seth Hardy: Programming Without Code
10-RichardForno-Keynote.mp3 31016960
Richard Forno: Keynote
11-MattFanto.mp3 16969728
Matt Fanto: SE Linux and MAC
12-MyselfPart1.mp3 22562816
Myself: Telco Part 1
13-MyselfPart2.mp3 16181248
Myself: Telco Part 2
14-LureneGrenier_and_SethHinze.mp3 15161344
Lurene Grenier and Seth Hinze: Homunculus
15-JoseNazario.mp3 16586752
Jose Nazario: Write Your Own Damn Tools!
16-RickWash.mp3 18993152
Rick Wash: Computer Security

There are 16 files for a total of 326,586,368 bytes.