0wn the Con - The Shmoo Group.mp4 | VIDEO | 140M
A Hacker Looks at 50 - G. Mark Hardy.mp4 | VIDEO | 149M
Assess the security of your online back without going to jail - Chuck Willis.mp4 | VIDEO | 132M
Attack Detection and Response with Linux Firewalls - Michael Rash.mp4 | VIDEO | 138M
Auditing Cached Credentials with Cachedump - Eoin Miller and Adair Collins.mp4 | VIDEO | 61M
Backbone Fuzzing - Raven.mp4 | VIDEO | 103M
Boomstick-Fu The Fundamentals of Physical Security at its Most Basic Level- Deviant Ollam, Noid and Thorn.mp4 | VIDEO | 68M
Bypassing NAC Systems (Part II) - Ofir Arkin.mp4 | VIDEO | 134M
Dissecting ShmooCon Labs - The Shmoo Group.mp4 | VIDEO | 144M
Encrypted Protocol Identification via Statistical Analysis - Rob King and Rohlt Dhamankar.mp4 | VIDEO | 106M
Extend Your Code Into the Real World - Ryan Clarke.mp4 | VIDEO | 130M
Hacker Potpourri - Simple Nomad.mp4 | VIDEO | 135M
Hacking Digital Cameras - John Maushammer.mp4 | VIDEO | 136M
Hacking the Airwaves with FPGAs - h1kari.mp4 | VIDEO | 64M
JavaScript Malware for a Grey Goo Tomorrow - Billy Hoffman.mp4 | VIDEO | 136M
No-Tech Hacking - Johnny Long.mp4 | VIDEO | 78M
OLPC Panel An Examination of OLPC Security and the Impact on Society - Sean Coyne, Ivan Krstic, Jason Scott, Scott Roberts.mp4 | VIDEO | 178M
Opening Remarks.mp4 | VIDEO | 87M
RFIDiots - Major Malfunction.mp4 | VIDEO | 146M
Security Breaches are Good for You - Adam Shostack.mp4 | VIDEO | 73M
Standard Bodies - What are these Guys Drinking - Al Potter, Renderman, and Russ Housley.mp4 | VIDEO | 141M
The Church of WiFi presents A Hacker in Iraq - Michael Schearer.mp4 | VIDEO | 115M
The Hacker Foundation - The Ethic in Action - Jesse Krembs and Nick Farr.mp4 | VIDEO | 124M
Three Crypto Geeks on the Current State of Cryptography and the Internet - Rodney Thayer, Jon Callas and Ben Laurie.mp4 | VIDEO | 142M
VOIP, Vonage, and Why I Hate Asterisk - Joel Bruno and Eric Smith.mp4 | VIDEO | 93M
Vulnerability Disclosure Panel Palaver (or 0-day OK, No Way, or For Pay) - Katie Moussouris.mp4 | VIDEO | 125M
WPAD - Proxy Attack - Chris Paget.mp4 | VIDEO | 138M
Weaponizing Noam Chomsky, or Hacking with Pattern Languages - Dan Kaminsky.mp4 | VIDEO | 151M
Web Application Incident Preparation - Matt Fisher, Cygnus and PresMike.mp4 | VIDEO | 112M
Windows Mobile Software Raw and Exposed - Seth Fogie.mp4 | VIDEO | 129M
Wireless (and Wired) Networks at Security Cons - Luiz Eduardo.mp4 | VIDEO | 132M