Shmoocon 2008: Speech Videos.

Video Title

0wn the Con - The Shmoo Group.mp4MP4 71M
21st Century Shellcode for Solaris - Tim Vidas.mp4MP4133M
A Hacker Looks Past 50 - G. Mark Hardy.mp4MP4117M
Active 802.11 Fingerprinting Gibberish and Secret Handshakes to Know Your AP - Sergey Bratus, Cory Cornelius and Daniel Peebles.mp4MP4126M
Advanced Protocol Fuzzing - What We Learned when Bringing Layer2 Logic to SPIKE Land - Enno Rey and Daniel Mende.mp4MP4146M
Backtrack Demo.mp4MP4112M
Baked not Fried Performing an Unauthorized Phishing Awareness Exercise - Syn Phishus.mp4MP4 70M
Closing Remarks.mp4MP4 94M
Flash Drives and Solid State Drives Data Recovery Comparison to Hard Drives Animated - Scott Moulton.mp4MP4119M
Forced Internet Condom - Aaron Higbee and Jaime Fuentes.mp4MP4128M
Forensic Image Analysis to Recover Passwords - David Smith.mp4MP4 65M
Got Citrix Hack It! - Shanit Gupta.mp4MP4100M
Hacking Windows Vista Security - Dan Griffin.mp4MP4119M
Hacking the Samurai Spirit - Isaac Mathis.mp4MP4 65M
How do I Pwn Thee Let Me Count the Ways - RenderMan.mp4MP4117M
I Will Be Your Eyes and Hands Colossal Cave, Adventure and Reality - Jason Scott.mp4MP4115M
Intercepting Mobile PhoneGSM Traffic - H1kari.mp4MP4 65M
Keynote Address - Alex Halberman.mp4MP4164M
Legal Issues for Bot-net Researchers and Mitigators - Alexander Muentz.mp4MP4149M
Malware Software Armoring Circumvention - Danny Quist.mp4MP4115M
On the Social Respnsbility of Hackers Panel Bruce Potter (moderator), Simple Nomad, Johnny Long, Rick Dakan.mp4MP4154M
Opening Remarks.mp4MP4102M
PEAP Pwned Extensible Authentication Protocol - Josh Wright and Brad Antoniewicz.mp4MP4113M
Passive Host Characterization - Matthew Wollenweber.mp4MP4159M
Path X Explosive Security Testing Tools using XPath - Andre Gironda, Marcin Wielgoszewski and Tom Stracener.mp4MP4130M
Practical Hacker Crypto - Simple Nomad.mp4MP4159M
SIPing Your Network - Radu State, Humberto Abdelnur, and Olivier Festor.mp4MP4129M
Smarter Password Cracking - Matt Weir.mp4MP4159M
TL1 Device Security - Rachel Bicknell.mp4MP4 71M
The Geek and the Gumshoe or Can Mathematics and Computers Really Solve Crimes - Michael Schearer and Frank.mp4MP4129M
They're Hacking Our Clients! Why are We Focusing Only on the Servers - Jay Beale.mp4MP4159M
Using Aspect Oriented Programming to Prevent Application Attacks - Rohit Sethi and Nish Bhalla.mp4MP4126M
Virtual Worlds - Real Exploits - Charlie Miller and Dino Dai Zovi.mp4MP4137M
VoIP Penetration Testing Lessons Learned - John Kindervag and Jason Ostrom.mp4MP4106M
Vulncatcher Fun with Vtrace and Programmatic Debugging - atlas.mp4MP4130M
Web Portals Gateway to Information or a Hole in our Perimeter Defenses - Deral Heiland.mp4MP4 73M
When Lawyers Attack! Dealing with the New Rules of Electronic Discovery - John Benson, Esq.mp4MP4149M
Why are Databases so Hard to Secure - Sheeri Cabral.mp4MP4129M
You Must Be This Tall to Ride the Security Ride - Joel Wilbanks and Pete Caro.mp4MP4 94M