The Hardware Show is recorded every Monday. The show is cohosted by ElectricTurtle and thesaint, who have been having animated and frequently awesome discussions about hardware for many years. Now thanks to the innovations of computars and the interweb we can bring these semi-informed ramblings directly to you. Eventually we plan on getting a mixer (if you want to help this happen faster, email us for info on donating) which will allow us to cool things like call ins and music that's not edited in later. Until that time, we are using a hella jury-rigged setup which consists of two sound cards in one box. This produces an audio stream that clips constantly. Anyway, you can expect shows to appear with attendant show notes in the archives the day after recording (haha day after, I think I might have done that on time maybe ONCE). If you have an idea for a show or topic, have an opinion about a previous show or topic, or just want to whine about how much we suck, please email us. ElectricTurtle ...:::]|||[:::... thesaint Better yet, join us in IRC, because IRC rules. #n37 (FYI, I know this page is mega lame. I put this together by hand in like ten minutes using a plain text editor and google image search. Bite me.) Also, The Hardware Show will fortunately/unfortunately soon become a show called Spare Cycle (same content, as if you were worried, but produced by Emmett Plant), which will doubtlessly involve a new web design phase.