(2000 - 2001) from --------------------------------------------- broadcast August 21, 2000. IFR broadcast featuring the first installment in a new three part series on Hacking Through the Ages, including an interview with Kevin Mitnick. David Ahmed also takes a look at the previous weeks top vulnerabilities. Part one of the Hot Topic series on Hacking Through the Ages looks at the following issues: * The origins of hacking. * People and personalities. Original Filenames: IFR_08-21-00.mp3 (Missing) IFR_08-21-00.rm (Missing) Interview: An interview with Kevin Mitncik, one of the first hackers convicted in the United States. Orginally broadcast on August 21, 2000. Kevin discusses the Shimomura/Markoff scenario and speaks candidly on his past and answers questions including: * What's the real story behind the alleged NORAD attacks. * Who was responsible for the attacks on Shimomura's machine and telephone answering machine. * What is the biggest misconception about the whole Kevin Mitnick affair?. Inteview Filenames: Kevin_Mitnick_pt_1.mp3 Kevin_Mitnick_pt_1.rm (Missing) --------------------------------------------- broadcast September 4, 2000. IFR broadcast featuring the 2nd installment in a new four part series on Hacking Through the Ages, including part II of an interview with Kevin Mitnick. David Ahmed also takes a look at the previous weeks top vulnerabilities. Part two of the Hot Topic series on Hacking Through the Ages looks at the following issues: * The hacking renaissance. * The Legion of Doom and Masters of Deception - people and personalities. Original Filenames: IFR_09-04-00.mp3 (Missing) IFR_09-04-00.rm (Missing) Interview: An interview with Kevin Mitncik , one of the first hackers convicted in the United States. Orginally broadcast on September 4, 2000. Inteview Filenames: Kevin_Mitnick_pt_2.mp3 Kevin_Mitnick_pt_2.rm (Missing) --------------------------------------------- broadcast September 18, 2000. IFR broadcast featuring the 3rd installment in a new four part series on Hacking Through the Ages, including part I of an interview with Chris Goggans. David Ahmed also takes a look at the previous weeks top vulnerabilities. Part three of the Hot Topic series on Hacking Through the Ages looks at the following issues: Chris Goggans Part I An interview with Chris Goggans a.k.a. Erik Bloodaxe, the former leader of the Legion of Doom. Orginally broadcast on September 18, 2000. Chris takes us through his development as a hacker and answers questions including: * What's changed in the hacking scene since the early days? * How did the Legion of Doom get its start? * What is the real story behind the Phrack busts? Original Filenames: IFR_09-18-00.mp3 (Missing) IFR_09-18-00.rm (Missing) Interview: An interview with Chris Goggans a.k.a. Erik Bloodaxe, the former leader of the Legion of Doom. Orginally broadcast on September 18, 2000. Chris takes us through his development as a hacker and answers questions including: * What's changed in the hacking scene since the early days? * How did the Legion of Doom get its start? * What is the real story behind the Phrack busts? Interview Only Filenames: Chris_Goggins_pt1.mp3 (Renamed to Chris_Goggans_pt_1.mp3) Chris_Goggins_pt1.rm (Missing) --------------------------------------------- broadcast October 2, 2000. IFR broadcast featuring the 4th installment in a new four part series on Hacking Through the Ages, including part II of an interview with Chris Goggans. (Missing from Archive) Interview: Chris Goggans Part II (Missing from Archive) --------------------------------------------- An interview with Mark Abene a.k.a. Phiber Optik, a former member of M.O.D. (Masters of Deception). Mark talks candidly about the early days of M.O.D. and the events surrounding his conviction and answers questions including: * How did M.O.D. get its start? * What really happened in the supposed M.O.D./L.O.D. war? * Why did you plead guilty to the charges against you when others, who had committed more serious crimes were getting probation? Interview Only Filename: Mark_Abene.mp3