Shows: Whatever the Hell I Call This Radio

A collection of single-topic shows/presentations by Ragweed.

Description of the Audio
whateverthehellicallthis-01.mp3 27893052
Whatever the Hell I Call This Radio #1: Clustering and Parallel Processing (2005)
whateverthehellicallthis-02.mp3 25549554
Whatever the Hell I Call This Radio #2: Intrustion Detection, Snort and Tripwire (2005)
whateverthehellicallthis-03.mp3 25109025
Whatever the Hell I Call This Radio #3: Switches and Routers (2005)
whateverthehellicallthis-04.mp3 27984548
Whatever the Hell I Call This Radio #4: Artificial Intelligence (July 15th, 2005)
whateverthehellicallthis-05.mp3 24434439

There are 5 files for a total of 130,970,618 bytes.