Speeches and Talks

Here are digitizations of speeches and talks given by myself and others about a variety of subjects, mostly historical in nature, but basically anything that touched on themes that the rest of textfiles.com does. Some of these files are quite large: look ahead.

Description of the Audio
defcon7.mp3 17289613
Jason Scott: "TEXTFILES, G-PHILES, AND LOG FILES: Remembering the 1980's Through ASCII" Defcon 7, July 10, 1999
defcon8.pt1.mp3 2994782
Jason Scott: "TEXTFILES.COM: ONE YEAR LATER" Defcon 8, July 29, 2000
defcon8.pt2.mp3 5808483
Jason Scott: "TEXTFILES.COM: ONE YEAR LATER" Defcon 8, July 29, 2000
defcon8.pt3.mp3 6977515
Jason Scott: "TEXTFILES.COM: ONE YEAR LATER" Defcon 8, July 29, 2000
sygylas_dc9.mp3 54861032
Jason Scott: "So You Got Your Lame Ass Sued" Defcon 9, July 13, 2001

There are 5 files for a total of 87,931,425 bytes.